What is Core Maths?


Discover how to tackle practical problems, analyze data and make informed decisions about the things that really matter. Say goodbye to abstract concepts and hello to maths that you'll actually use in your life. Financial maths, critical analysis and the maths that you're really using in your A levels means you won't be saying, "When will I ever use this?"


Embrace a curriculum that bridges the gap between theory and application, fostering critical thinking and analytical skills. Core Maths transforms classrooms into hubs of practical problem-solving, equipping students with the mathematical tools needed for success in various fields. This is your chance to teach students the maths that they really need.

I wrote a blog post about it here if you want to check it out.


Would you like your child to understand mortgages, credit cards, income tax and national insurance? 

How about being able to critically analyse a newspaper article to see if that headline really is plausible?

Maybe you'd like a course that directly supports the maths content in other A level subjects?

Core Maths does all this and more!